" You Deserve the Best . . . We find it for You! "
From training to traveling, we will help you customize and organize the best possible experience for just you or your 'group' eve. With 30+ years experience in both fields, GWA would like to invite you to contact us today to see how we might help you with your next human experience!
What is Edu-tourism
By definition, EduTourism is travel for the purpose of formal or informal education and life long learning in unique natural, historical & multi-cultural environments. It refers to any tourism program or product offering in which participants travel to a location with the primary purpose of engaging in a learning experience.
EduTourism benefits the local economy and enhances the general population at the same time as educating and enriching the lives of the individuals who participate in these programs. GWA is committed to promoting the benefits of EduTourism globally, with a specific interest in the Cuban/Canadian educational tourism opportunities.
Cuba is a very unique Country, with a very special history and people of amazing spirit. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to learn and enjoy the richness that this culture has to offer.
We are just beginning to complile a list of the various Edutourism opportunities that exist in Cuba, as well as other opportunities around the world. Please check back with us often for ongoing additions.
·International exchange-student programmes ·sabbatical and staff exchanges ·educational tours ·school trips ·study tours ·short courses ·language courses ·special interest tours ·conferences ·academic colloquiums ·ongoing adult education programmes ·summer and winter schools ·international voluntary and gap- year programmes ·development practice training, ·internships ·sports coaching seminars ·cultural history tours What are the benefits of EduTourism? As mentioned above, EduTourism benefits the local economy and enhances the general population at the same time as it is educating and enriching the lives of the individuals who participate in these programs. GWA is committed to promoting the benefits of EduTourism globally, with a specific interest in the Cuban/Canadian educational tourism opportunities. Examples of EduTourism benefits:
·Increased level of education for workers resulting in higher productivity and job satisfaction ·Increased revenue opportunities for suppliers, in the geographic area, required to satisfy the demands of the traveller. ·Increased awareness of Cuban history and culture globally ·Keep updated and modern on global issues as they relate to education and tourism ·Increased areas in which to partner/collaborate/trade with
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